• 03337575200
  • info@divineeventsandcatering.com

Corporate Events & Seminars

Product Launch

First impression never-ending

When great thoughts mingle with professional planning, there goes an excellent event live. Whether you are launching a trade name, a production or an invention, the vital ideology are the same. You will get only one opportunity to construct a dominant attraction with your aim consultation.
Professionally planned events are the ideal dais to tie understanding with sentiment to convey your key messages.
There is no limit what can be done. Divine Events & Catering Company has the expertise to create events of all sizes, themes and persuasions. Our performance ambitious professionals are seeking to let you catch more out of your special days.
Call us to talk about your objectives and we will offer imaginative, inspiring and cost effective solutions all the time that will bring unprecedented levels of attention.


Office Opening

Impressing a sharp crowd is never simple

A new office forms a grand opportunity to revive the staff and produce a buzz around your brand. A new office should be a basis for celebration; it is a fundamental PR occasion and a great prospect to develop client dealings further. Both your clients and staff will leave your offices with a improved confidence.
An office opening is a rare and special event and presents an occasion to mark this ‘moment in time’. We have the proficiency and experience to make sure you create long-lasting memories to make you on the next footstep of your company’s journey.
As the most versatile team, we love organizing trend setting corporate events.

Office Opening

Impressing a sharp crowd is never simple

A new office forms a grand opportunity to revive the staff and produce a buzz around your brand. A new office should be a basis for celebration; it is a fundamental PR occasion and a great prospect to develop client dealings further. Both your clients and staff will leave your offices with a improved confidence.
An office opening is a rare and special event and presents an occasion to mark this ‘moment in time’. We have the proficiency and experience to make sure you create long-lasting memories to make you on the next footstep of your company’s journey.
As the most versatile team, we love organizing trend setting corporate events.


Annual Award Ceremony

A theme is a great way to improve your business event and when executed fine, a theme will make your guests amazed, and in actual fact add an extra dimension to the day.
The excellent news is that your organization “Annual Award Ceremony” can take on any layout you desire with no restrictions on your thoughts and ideas.
Innovative Events Expert is here to maintain and motivate you with imaginative ideas for a marvelous event concept. This includes a time-efficient and fascinating invitation process, selecting an inspiring venue, designing a lavish menu. We have the expertise to manage the event day for you.
Whether you want to bring your annual company party ideas to life, or have new ideas provided for you, we have the experience and know how to deliver your dream company party.
